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Military Call to Active Duty

Baldwin Wallace University will be as supportive and accommodating as possible for those students who must withdraw in a given semester because they have been called to active military duty. Exceptions to this policy are determined by the Provost's Office.

Students who are members of the National Guard and Reserve forces of the United States have obligations that may include regularly occurring drill as well as activations under Title 10 U.S.C. and Title 32 U.S.C.

We understand that members of these forces have unique commitments and obligations when called upon, either by the President of the United States or the Governor of the State of Ohio. We remain committed to supporting our students who have made and continue to honor these commitments while working to attain academic success.

Below is an outline of required steps for students who are serving in the National Guard or Reserve forces. Depending on the activation date and the judgment of individual faculty, the student has several options regarding the completion of coursework.

Regular Drill Weekend Commitments

  1. Students are expected to communicate their monthly drill requirements with their professors at the start of each semester. This will ensure early planning can occur for any anticipated missed coursework.
  2. If it is anticipated that a regular drill weekend will be extended to include a school day, students must communicate this as soon possible to their faculty.

Short Term Activations Under Title 10 or Title 32 [5-14 Days]

  1. Students are expected to communicate with their professors when they anticipate an activation lasting between 5 and 14 days.
  2. Students should work with professors to complete any anticipated missed work.
  3. Each program and class is different; therefore, it may not be possible to complete certain coursework such as labs, performances, etc., in advance or at a later date. Students and faculty should work together to determine the impact of missed work on a case-by-case basis.

Long term Activations Under Title 10 or Title 32 [15 Days or Greater]

  1. Any student who is called to active military duty for a period greater than 15 days should present his/her active-duty orders to the Office of the Provost.
  2. Students facing long term activations have additional options to pursue if coursework cannot be completed successfully based on the length of the activation.
    1. A student may request a withdrawal. The withdrawal will be retroactive to the beginning of the term. A student may do a complete withdrawal resulting in all tuition charges removed. A student may do a partial withdrawal, receiving "W" grades in some courses. Full-time students will not receive a refund if the "W" grades result in part-time status.
    2. A student may request an Incomplete* to be decided by individual instructors. There will not be any tuition adjustment for courses assigned "I" grades and the student will have six weeks into the next term of enrollment to complete the "I" grade. The registrar may permit an extension of the six weeks on a case-by-case basis.
      * This option is best utilized if the activation comes in the final few weeks of a semester. Requesting an incomplete in the fall semester often proves difficult for a student to complete the work while also working on spring semester courses. Students should discuss the use of this option with each of their professors to ensure completion of the work.
    3. A student may request final grades at the discretion of individual faculty members. Faculty and students would also have the option of turning the grade into satisfactory/unsatisfactory if departure occurs prior to final exams. Tuition is not adjusted.

In all of the above cases, all room charges will be prorated. The University would not charge a student carrying charges on back balances while he/she is in the military.

Students called to active military duty should also contact the manager of the Veteran and Military Services Office at (440) 826-5920. The manager can assist with questions about activations outside of standard drill weekends or the options listed above and can provide information about taking courses through the Acadeum College Consortium* platform while on extended deployments or when returning from deployment during a semester.

*Baldwin Wallace University offers select online courses from fellow regionally accredited Council of Independent Colleges through Acadeum. Students may seek permission to enroll in a pre-approved list of consortium courses from partnering institutions to continue making academic progress when a deployment interferes with degree completion.

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